What People Are Saying

“It truly amazes me how willing Hilah is to put herself out there-- She is FUNNY! She is so relatable to 40 + year old women, mom's and wives.  I wish I had her around all the time to find the laughter in situations as I go about my daily life.  If I could package her up and take her with me everywhere, I would!  I like to call my self a Hilah-roadie, because I want to go and hear her any opportunity I can.  I know when I am going to see Hilah, it is going to be an incredible night of fun and laughter.”

“I look forward to Hilah's IG stories (and Live videos) everyday! She gets me to laugh and not take life so seriously. Hilah has a special talent in finding ways to connect with others through her comedy I am so glad she is sharing her comedy more openly with the world! Can't wait for more!”

“This girl is on fire!  Hilah is spot on makin’ us LOL!”

"Dead-pan mom comic that will have you in stitches with her kiddos life and motherhood.  Hilah's the real deal."

“(Hilah) is so at ease and so natural it’s really incredible and so damn funny. I am still laughing!”

“Hilah says what we all want to say but are afraid to admit.  Her honestly is raw and is what makes her so hysterical”